Visiting Sorors
Welcome Home
We welcome you to our chapter
The Membership Committee is committed to our mission to strengthen the Baltimore Alumnae Chapter’s sisterhood by reclaiming and supporting sorors in becoming active and engaged, and in retaining all sorors by encouraging sisterhood through service.
Baltimore Alumnae Chapter holds in-person and/or virtual Chapter meetings on the 2nd Saturday of the month from September to June starting at 11:00 am. Attire for all meetings is business attire, unless otherwise stated.
We welcome you to join us by completing this form which includes downloading the Verification Membership Letter from the Members Portal section on the national website.
Proof of membership is required to gain admittance into chapter meetings.
We look forward to strengthening our ties and connections as sisters and sorors. We invite you to laugh, grow, and connect with the Baltimore Alumnae Chapter – Your new HOME!
If you have any questions, please contact Membership Services Chair, at: